Stefan Rüdiger appointed as Professor of Protein Chemistry of Disease

Utrecht University has appointed Stefan Rüdiger as Professor of Protein Chemistry of Disease. Chemist Rüdiger and his group aim to tackle diseases that are caused by protein misfolding, such as Alzheimer’s disease and Huntington’s disease. They focus on how chaperones, proteins that aid other proteins to fold into their proper shape, control protein quality. Using … Read more

Two vacancies at CPC

Research Technician The Cellular Protein Chemistry section is looking for a Technician to join their team! Experience with biochemistry / cell biology? More information and to apply click here. Scientific / Administrative Assistant Do you want to develop your project organization skills in a complex environment supporting socially relevant research? Join the Braakman-Van der Sluijs … Read more

Stefan Rüdiger benoemd tot hoogleraar Protein Chemistry of Disease

De Universiteit Utrecht heeft Stefan Rüdiger benoemd tot hoogleraar Protein Chemistry of Disease. Scheikundige Rüdiger en zijn groep richten zich op het bestrijden van ziektes die ontstaan door het verkeerd vouwen van eiwitten, zoals de ziekte van Alzheimer en de ziekte van Huntington. Ze bestuderen hoe chaperonnes, eiwitten die andere eiwitten helpen zich in hun … Read more

Goodbye Senna and Simone

Unfortunately both Simone and Senna will leave us next month. Senna has already accepted a new job as technician at the Hogeschool Utrecht (across the street). We are sad to see them go but wish them much success for the future!