Unfolding IRE1α/β: How IRE1 accommodates stress at mucosal surfaces
Mariska Simpson, August 2023, Braakman, Lencer, and Grey
CFTR folding in health and disease
Tamara Hillenaar, April 2023, Braakman and van der Sluijs
Molecular chaperones in neurodegeneration
Margreet Koopman, April 2022, Rüdiger

Uncovering CFTR folding through patient mutations
Marcel van Willigen, September 2020, Braakman and van der Sluijs

Folding of CFTR transmembrane domains in the endoplasmic reticulum
Hiu Ying Yeoh, March 2020, Braakman and van der Sluijs

Control of Tau Aggregation by Molecular Chaperones
Luca Ferrari, June 2019, Rüdiger

The mechanism of action of molecular chaperones
Tania Morán Luengo, April 2019, Rüdiger

Unraveling the puzzle of CFTR domain folding and assembly
Marjolein Mijnders, February 2019, Braakman, van der Sluijs and Kleizen

Oxidative folding of influenza virus hemagglutinin subtypes
Doron Gollnast, January 2019, Braakman and van der Sluijs

Stories of a Diva – Interactions of the Hsp90 chaperone machinery with client proteins
Martina Rádli, March 2018, Rüdiger

CFTR folding and the molecular chaperone Hsp90
Daniel Mesquita da Fonseca, November 2017, Braakman, van der Sluijs and Kleizen

Role of CNPY5 in B cell activation and immunoglobulin production
Naomi Lodder, October 2017, Braakman and van der Sluijs

Re-evaluation of PDI function in mammalian cells
Anna Chatsisvili, June 2017, Braakman

Folding of the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein in the ER
Nicholas McCaul, May 2017, Braakman

Uncovering function of Grp94, the endoplasmic reticulum Hsp90
Abhinav Pandey, February 2016, Braakman

Sources of artefacts in biomolecular NMR spectroscopy
Andrea Vavrinská, January 2016, Braakman and Trantirek

HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp160 – biosynthesis, structure and function
Matthias Quandte, June 2014, Braakman

Folding of influenza virus hemagglutinin in insect cells
Xin Li, April 2014, Braakman

Folding of the LDL receptor dissected
Sabine Gremme, February 2014, Braakman

Large disordered regions guard Wnt signalling
David-Paul Minde, November 2013, Rüdiger

Molecular mechanisms regulating exocytosis from post Golgi compartments
Emma Martínez Sánchez, July 2012, van der Sluijs

Structural dynamics of the Hsp90 chaperone machine
Tatiana Didenko, May 2012, Rüdiger

Axin tumour suppressor function and dysfunction in the Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway
Zeinab Anvarian, October 2011, Rüdiger

Protein scaffolding in the Wnt/β signalling regulation
Maria Noutsou, October 2011, Rüdiger

The Hsp90 chaperone in action: following the ATP cycle of a molecular machine
Elif Karagöz, April 2011, Rüdiger

The role of munc13-4 in release of secretory lysosomes from hematopoietic cells
Edo Elstak, July 2012, van der Sluijs

Helping hands – Molecular chaperones for protein kinases
Sandra Kling, December 2010, Rüdiger

Hsp90 molecular chaperone: The effect on breast cancer cell invasion and functional interactions with Aha1 co-chaperone
Jakub Urbański, September 2010, Braakman, Utrecht/Warsaw

Folding defects and rescue mechanisms of DF508 CFTR
Hanneke Hoelen, June 2010, Braakman

Grp94 – between ER resident chaperone and UPR regulator
Viorica Lastun, August 2009, Braakman

Mechanisms of secretory lysosome exocytosis in hematopoietic cells
Maaike Neeft, September 2008, van der Sluijs

Defining functional interaction networks of rab GTPases using proteomics
Thijs van Vlijmen, Juni 2008, van der Sluijs

rab GTPases during mitosis
Claudia Fila, December 2007, van der Sluijs

Molecular and functional characterization of BAIAP3 and munc13-4
Marnix Wieffer, September 2007, van der Sluijs

The endoplasmic reticulum: a dynamic protein folding environment
Chantal Christis, May 2007, Braakman

rab4 and its interacting proteins in endosome function
Ioana Popa, May 2007, van der Sluijs

Rabip4′ in protein sorting from endosomes
Viorica Ivan, Juni 2007, van der Sluijs

Initial characterization of folding, structure, and function of the new ER protein smERp1
Nicole Hafkemeijer, March 2006, Braakman

Oxidative protein folding in the ER: the roles of PDI, Ero1a and ERp44
Jenny Smit, November 2005, Braakman

Folding of two viral glycoproteins: Influenza Hemagglutinin and HIV-1 Envelope
Marije Liscaljet, May 2005, Braakman

Folding of CFTR at the endoplasmic reticulum
Bertrand Kleizen, March 2005, Braakman

Recessive and dominant nephrogenic diabetes insipidus – novel molecular and cellular mechanisms
Paul JM Savelkoul, December 2004, van der Sluijs

CD2-associated protein
Ari Ora, May 2004, van der Sluijs

Intra- and extracellular factors involved in the trafficking of the aquaporin-2 water channel
Bas van Balkom, December 2003, van der Sluijs

ER expansion and folding of viral glycoproteins
Claudia Maggioni, November 2003, Braakman

Chaperones and peroxisomes
Wim de Jonge, October 2003, Braakman

Versatility of the ER folding factory and the making & breaking of disulfide bonds
Eelco van Anken, October 2003, Braakman

Synthesis and sorting of the aquaproin-2 water channel
Giel Hendriks, September 2003, van der Sluijs

Rab GTPases and their binding proteins in the regulation of endocytosis
Magdalena Deneka, November 2002, van der Sluijs

Folding of the LDL receptor in the endoplasmic reticulum
Annemieke Jansens, September 2002, Braakman

Folding of the Human Immunodeficiency virus Envelope glycoprotein in the endoplasmic reticulum
Aafke Land, June 2001, Braakman

The role of the small GTPase rab4 in endosome function
Karin Mohrmann, Juni 2001, van der Sluijs

A role for glycosphingolipids in protein sorting
Hein Sprong, May 2001, van der Sluijs