Thesis Defense of Tania Morán Luengo

Congratulations to the new doctor! Dr. Morán Luengo On April 16th Tania Morán Luengo defended her thesis entitled “The mechanism of action of molecular chaperones” in the Akademiegebouw of University of Utrecht.

“Moleculair eiwitten koken” tijdens Girlsday

Op 11 april was het weer de landelijke Girlsday, waarbij meiden tussen de 10 en 15 jaar op bezoek gaan bij bedrijven en universiteiten om hen te interesseren voor bèta, techniek en ICT. Ook bij de faculteit Bètawetenschappen was er een programma voor een groep meiden, met onder andere workshops bij de ICT afdeling en … Read more

19th Dutch Chaperone Meeting in Utrecht

On Friday March 15th, the section Cellular Protein Chemistry hosted the 19th Dutch Chaperone Meeting (DCM) in the Utrecht Science Park, organized by Stefan Rüdiger and Marjolein Smithuis. This annual meeting brings together Dutch and international researchers interested in protein quality control, protein folding and protein folding diseases. Also this year, the DCM offered PhD … Read more

Grant for Huntington’s disease thanks to patient’s funds

From the UU website Stefan Rüdiger is receiving 250,000 euros for research on Huntington’s disease. The grant is exceptional because of its funder: a fund that is run by patients and enables fundamental research to understand and cure the disease. “Just imagine how many doorbells you will have to ring to acquire such an amount … Read more

Thesis Defense of Marjolein Mijnders

Congratulations to the new doctor! Dr. Mijnders On February 11th Marjolein Mijnders defended her thesis entitled “Unraveling the puzzle of CFTR domain assembly and folding” in the Akademiegebouw of University of Utrecht.